In the film’s story, there is a sudden explosion at Tokyo Summit’s giant Edge of Ocean facility. The shadow of Tooru Amuro, who works for the National Police Agency Security Bureau as Zero, appears at the site. In addition, the “triple-face” character is known as Rei Furuya as a detective and Kogorou Mouri’s apprentice, and he is also known as Bourbon as a Black Organization member. Kogorou is arrested as a suspect in the case of the explosion. Conan conducts an investigation to prove Kogorou’s innocence, but Amuro gets in his way.
Detective Conan Movie 22Detective Conan Movie 22: Zero's ExecutionerDetective Conan: Zero the EnforcerMeitantei ConanMeitantei Conan: Zero no ShikkouninZero no ShikkouninZero the EnforcerZero's Executioner劇場版 名探偵コナン ゼロの執行人,Detective Conan Movie 22: Zero the Enforcer劇場版 名探偵コナン ゼロの執行人,Detective Conan Movie 22: Zero the Enforcer (Dub),Detective Conan